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Playing Blackjack Online Pros and Cons

source:Freesource: date:2023-01-16 16:06:45 browse:164

Pro: Faster and More Accessible

Playing Blackjack online is far faster and more accessible; for a start, you don't even need to leave your home. You simply need a good internet connection and a device to connect to the internet. From here, you can indulge in some Blackjack at your preferred online casino or gaming site.

You don't need to wait for other players to make their decisions or for the dealer to deal the cards; cards are dealt using a random number generator, making the game more efficient than over land-based casinos. However, if you choose to play via webcam with a live dealer game, this won't apply, and it will be the same style as playing at a land-based casino. To give you an idea of the speed of games at an online casino vs. a live game, you can expect to play around 50 to 60 games per hour in a real-life scenario compared to nearly 200 an hour via a digital game.

Cons: Faster Isn't Always Better

If you are experiencing hundreds of games per hour, there will likely be more losses. To play more games per hour, you will be spending more money to play each game, which will incur higher losses.

Estimates suggest that you expect typical losses of around $10 per hour at an online casino paying more games per hour compared to $2.50 in live casino games. This is based on playing $5 per hand, meaning you play around $250 per hour in a live casino, and approximately $1,000 per hour playing digitally.

However, again, you have fewer costs associated with playing online. You do not need to travel to your casino to play, you can play your card game of choice from wherever you are; you don't need to pay membership fees or entry fees or buy food or drinks, which can influence how much you are prepared to spend.

Pro: Plenty of Sign Up Offers

By playing online, you can expect to be wooed by various casinos to get you to part with your money and give it to them. They do this via many signup bonuses, free wagers, prizes, and more. The more free cash and funds they throw at you, the more likely you will spend more money to grab these deals and give you more money to play with.

Con: Meeting Bonus Requirements Are Hard

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